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Showing posts from January, 2019

Elderberry Syrup (Dairy Free, Grain Free, Paleo, Real Food, Vegetarian)

Happy New Year!  I am starting 2019 with this super simple recipe for elderberry syrup to get you and your family through winter. Berries from this plant have been historically used for wine, syrups, and desserts but it is also a powerful medicinal plant.  So much so, that ancient Greeks considered this plant the 'father of medicine', and for good reason.  It is known to contain properties that, when used within the first 48 hours of symptoms, naturally helps to improve colds and the flu (including H1N1 human flu and H5N1 avian flu  strains ). Elderberries are a great source of anthocyanidin, which is known to stimulate the immune system.  Elderberries are also anti-inflammatory and contain antioxidants, which are useful during sinus infections.  Research also shows promising results when lowering blood sugar . And while uncooked berries are considered toxic, the ripe and cooked berry is safe.  I get my berries from Mountain Rose Herbs to ens...