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Special Strawberry Jam Pie (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Nut Free, Real Food)

Thanksgiving is almost here and I planned to write another pumpkin post, but then I remembered pumpkin isn't my favorite flavor!  Instead, today I am sharing with you my absolute favorite pie recipe, one so good, that my daughter asks for this pie instead of cake on her birthday.  It is THAT good!

This recipe started out as a strawberry/rhubarb pie but since I never actually have rhubarb on hand, this became just a strawberry jam pie.  And I am sorry to say I don't know enough about food science to explain why the filling actually becomes jam-like, but it does and it is the best!  Once baked and cooled, I cut this pie into 4 pieces and I eat my slice straight out of my hand.  No fork needed!  Luckily, this pie only makes an appearance twice a year or we would be in trouble.....

In my past life, I always used a premade pie crust for pies, but I found that gluten-free prepared crusts sometimes have an odd flavor.  Now, I always use **Brittany Angell's Paleo Copycat Pillsbury Pie Crust recipe when I need an easy crust, and I highly recommend it.  However, a tiny yearly subscription fee is needed to access this recipe and many others.  Trust me when I say that it is completely worth it!  But please check her site out even if you do not plan to make this crust because she has plenty of free recipes too, and each one that I have tried has simply been amazing.

*At the time of this post, her site is down - sorry, sorry!  Links to other pie crust recipes will be listed below!

**2nd update: Brittany Angell posted a screen shot of her Copycat Pie Crust recipe on her Instagram account!

***3rd update:  Brittany Angell started reposting her recipes.  This is my favorite pie crust, ever - and it is what I normally use for this pie.

Now, I know that I have mentioned once or twice (or 541 times) how little refined sugar we typically consume in our household.  But my pie recipe uses a minimal amount of organic cane sugar - and considering that the original recipe called for 1 and 1/2 cups of refined sugar, I am very comfortable using the small amount I listed here.

Special Strawberry Jam Pie

  • 1 recipe gluten-free pie crust, doubled so there enough for both a top and bottom crust, or store bought.  For a rice flour/tapioca flour blend, with butter (not dairy free), try this one by Raising Generation Nourished.  For an almond flour crust (not nut free), try this one by Sustainable Baby Steps  Note: this recipe already makes enough for two crusts so there is no need to double it.  And for a coconut flour crust, that is also dairy free one, try this one by the Coconut Mama.
  • 4 cups organic strawberries, large berries halved or quartered (I use the use frozen strawberries from Costco, thawed) and lightly crushed 
  • 1/2 cup organic cane sugar
  • 1/4 Minute Tapioca (quick-cooking, not regular)
  • 1 tablespoon organic palm shortening (I use this one)
In a large bowl, mix the sugar, tapioca, and strawberries.  Let the mixture stand for 15-20 minutes while you prepare the crust.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  Prepare the crust of your choice, doubling the recipe, if needed (see notes above).  Roll one crust onto an ungreased pie plate and fill the pie with the fruit mixture.  Dot with the shortening.

Cover with the top crust and seal the edges.  Cut a few slits into the top crust to allow steam to escape.  Place the pie plate onto a baking sheet to catch any juice that may spillover and place in the oven.  Bake the pie for 45-50 minutes or until the crust is lightly browned and fruit juices are bubbling.  Cool before serving.

Normally, a pie serves 8 but in my house, this pie serves only 4!


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