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Avocado Chocolate Pudding (Nut Free, Paleo, Real Food, Vegan)

Can I just say:  I LOVE this pudding.  And I know.  Really, I know!  There are many avocado chocolate pudding recipes available nowadays.  So many!  But one more recipe won't hurt anyone, I promise.

Avocado is a perfect ingredient in a recipe like this because it provides healthy fat, and a creaminess that is hard to duplicate when avoiding dairy or cashew cream.  Plus, I wanted a chocolate pudding that was refined sugar free, so this recipe uses dates as the sweetening agent.

This is a perfect recipe for those super rare occasions when there are a couple of ripe avocados lounging around the house.  And don't worry - this pudding does not taste like guacamole.  That's another promise!

Avocado Chocolate Pudding

  • 2 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted
  • 1/2 cup soft dates, pitted
  • 1/4 cup full fat coconut cream (from a can of coconut cream)
  • 2 tablespoons full fat coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon natural tahini
  • 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • pinch of sea salt, plus more to taste

In the work bowl of a food processor fitted with an S-blade, add all of the ingredients.  Cover and pulse until the avocado is smooth and ingredients are well combined.  Taste, and add an additional pinch of salt, if needed.

Chill, covered, for 2 hours before serving.


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