I mentioned in a previous post that cassava flour has really taken the Paleo community by storm. And boy, do I regret waiting so long to jump on that yummy bandwagon. Actually, what I regret is only buying 4 lbs of this flour . I have less than 2 lbs in my pantry right now and I may be looking at a mutiny on my hands. Cassava flour is made from the entire yucca root, where tapioca starch, though similar, is made from just the starch of the yucca root. As a family, we have been gluten-free for several years and we have tried just about every alternative flour pancake recipe under the internet sun. I have a few recipes that I alternate, depending on what I have on hand. Links to those recipes are listed below, just in case cassava flour is not available to you yet. But I strongly suggest: find it, stockpile it and be very, very excited! It took me a few tries but I finally perfected these pancakes. I really enjoying testing recipes with ...
Real Food Nutrition for Real Health - Recipes by a Holistic Nutrition Consultant